Inside Mac Games Volume 4 #4
IMG 36 April 1996.iso
Klik & Play
Getting Started
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Klik & Play Quick Tour - Make a Game in minutes!
The following guide walks you through the simple steps of making a game
with Klik & Play. The first step will show you how to install Klik & Play
onto your hard disk, we will then show you how to select the graphic
objects that make up your game, and how to place them down onto the
screen ready to star in your game. Then we'll step through the game and
set-up all the interactions that occur. Your efforts will be rewarded
with a fully playable game which can be saved to disk and played time and
time again.
Launching Klik & Play
After Klik & Play has installed, double Klik on the "Klik & Play"
icon that appears inside its own window.
When it's loaded, you'll be presented with the main Klik & Play
title page, from here Klik on "Create a Game"
You'll be presented with the Storyboard Editor. Double click on
the first frame and select the menu option "Goto Level Editor":
You will now be taken to the main game creating screen. Down the
left hand side are the libraries of objects you will use to create your
Taking up most of the screen is the playing field where you will
design your game and bring it to life.
Now we have to open a library. Let's pick the one called TOYLAND.
There are many libraries so you'll need to Klik on the slider bar to
scroll down the list of libraries. The cat icon represents TOYLAND so
Klik on it:
Across the top of the screen you will now see a collection of
different objects and backgrounds you can use in this game:
Let's Klik on the background called "Dude's room" with the mouse:
... and drag it onto the playfield:
By letting go of the left mouse button you will 'drop' the
picture onto the playfield. To position the picture more accurately than
we've done above, just drag the picture into the top left hand corner.
We are now going to create our own version of the classic
Breakout game. In the original game you had a bat, a ball and a wall of
bricks you had to destroy. We're going to make ours much more interesting.
For the bat we are going to use a boy on a skateboard. Select him
with your mouse:
... and drag him to the bottom of the screen and position him on
the plank like so:
Now we need a ball. Select it with your mouse
... and position it just above the boy's head
Finally, let's take our bricks - but instead of bricks we'll use
some toy soldier and spinning tops. We need to place down quite a few
objects of the same type, so here's a tip - to keep placing down more
than one copy of an object Klik with the right mouse button.
Now position the soldiers and spinning tops like this:
You can of course, take any of the other objects you see at the
top of the screen. But these will be enough for the time being.
You have now created the scenery, and put your actors on the
stage. Now let's see some action!
Klik on the "GOTO" icon and from the menu which pops-up, select
the "Step Through Editor" icon:
This will start your game, and then almost instantly the game
will be stopped. This is because the ball has collided with the skate
boarder, so now Klik & Play wants you to decide what should happen at
this point in the game. After pointing out the situation that has
occurred, Klik & Play will bring you to this dialogue box:
From here we can tell Klik & Play what Actions we want the game
to perform whenever the Ball hits the Skateboarder. So let's make the
ball bounce and have an Ouch sound played.
Klik on the picture of the ball:
Up will pop another dialogue. From here you can select the
actions we can do to the ball:
Select the Bounce "Big Ball" button. This action will now be
listed in the Step Through Editor dialogue:
Now, to make an "Ouch" sound we have to Klik on the sound icon:
Up will pop a sound selector. Double Klik on the TOYLAND
directory to access the sounds we've provided for this game:
Now Klik on the "OUCH.WAV" sound file, select OK, now this sound
will be added to the bounce action:
So now we've told Klik & Play exactly what we want it to do when
the ball hits the Skateboarder. Let's resume the game by Kliking on the
"Continue game" icon:
The ball will bounce off the Skateboarder's head and collide with
a soldier above. So straight away we have another hold-up. For this
situation we need to set-up actions to:
1. Destroy the Soldier
2. Bounce the ball
3. Make a bounce sound.
To set these actions, Klik on the Soldier, Ball and sound icons
to access each one's actions' list. When they have been selected, Klik
again on the "Continue game" button.
The game will continue until the ball hits the spinning top or
the edges of the screen. When these collisions happen set-up more actions
for each event. When all events have been catered for, your game will
play continuously.
So that's really all there is to creating a simple game, and all
in just a few minutes!